Sample Actor

Because most of the newly added logic stays in the newly added sample-txn-executor, the sample-actor only adds a new request handler. Those handlers do nothing but receive and relay to the state machine because all of them are supposed to be handled in the state machine SQL instances.

pub fn name_list() -> Vec<&'static str> {

pub async fn map_handler(action: &str, arg: Vec<u8>, from_actor: String) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
	let res = match action {
		"say-hello" => serde_json::to_vec("Hello world!").unwrap(),
		"faucet" => api::txn_faucet(arg, from_actor).await?,
		"create_task" => api::create_task(arg, from_actor).await?,
		"query_task_list" => api::query_task_list(arg, from_actor).await?,
		"delete_task" => api::delete_task(arg, from_actor).await?,
		"verify_task" => api::verify_task(arg, from_actor).await?,
		"take_task" => api::take_task(arg, from_actor).await?,
		"complete_task" => api::complete_task(arg, from_actor).await?,
		"init_db" => api::init_db(arg, from_actor).await?,
		"init_token" => api::init_token(arg, from_actor).await?,

		_ => vec![],

You see that the handler is just a dispatcher, and the logic will be in the file. send requests

Let's use the delete_task as an example:

pub async fn delete_task(payload: Vec<u8>, from_actor: String) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
	let req: DeleteTaskRequest = serde_json::from_slice(&payload)?;
  check_auth(&req.tapp_id_b64, &req.address, &req.auth_b64).await?;
	info!("Delete Task action...");

	let txn = Txns::DeleteTask {
    subject: req.subject.to_string(),
		auth_b64: req.auth_b64.to_string(),



We first created a DeleteTask txn, then use send_custom_txn utility to send it to the state machine.

When using the send_customer_txn you'll need to specify the from_actor (which in this case is the sample-actor) and the txn name. The req.uuid is used for the client to query the txn execution result at a later time. The TARGET_ACTOR is the name of the receiving A actor, it's "someone.sample_txn_executor". If you're wondering where this name comes from, you can find it from the mainifest.yaml in sample-txn-executor/impl/manifest.yaml. This is how the TEA Project locates and identifies every actor.


You may have noticed the check_auth in function create_task, but you didn't see such a line in the function query_task_list. This is because anyone can query the task list even without login, but then one will only be able to create a task with the creator set to be one's own address. Of course, a user who's not logged in cannot create a task. So the check_auth is used to guard against this.

Auth control is a large topic and in our tutorial we only explain how to use it. For a detailed discussion please go to the developer documentation.

check_auth(&req.tapp_id_b64, &req.address, &req.auth_b64).await?

This function will verify that req.auth_b64 matches the req.address from the recorded user's login data. If it fails, an error would be thrown. Basically, the auth_b64 is a session key. The TAppStore actor stores session information using this auth_b64 as a key. The client needs to keep the auth_b64 in safe storage. It'll be hard for a malicious hacker, as long as they don't have this session key, to impersonate a real user. Note that all the communication between browser and any TEA nodes are encrypted to prevent middle man and replay attacks.


Faucet is a special feature that only lives in the local dev-runner. The developer needs some test tokens even during local testing. So we make a faucet button function to dispense 1000 free test token from DAO_RESERVE. Of course this will not be the case in the testnet or production.

Faucet request is handled by "faucet" => api::txn_faucet(arg, from_actor).await?,.


pub async fn txn_faucet(payload: Vec<u8>, from_actor: String) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
	let req: FaucetRequest = serde_json::from_slice(&payload)?;
  check_auth(&req.tapp_id_b64, &req.address, &req.auth_b64).await?;
	info!("Start faucet action...");

	let txn = TappstoreTxn::TransferTea {
    token_id: tappstore_id().await?,
		to: req.address.parse()?,
		amount: DOLLARS * 1000,
		auth_b64: req.auth_b64.to_string(),


The main logic is wrapped into the TappstoreTxn::TransferTea function.

TAppStore is the most important system actor that handles most system calls. You can get more information about it from the developer documents. In this step, we can see it requests transferring 1000 T from DAO_RESERVE to the current login user. The token_id is TAppStore not this TApp's id. This is very important because all TEA token in the layer2 will be stored under the token_id == TAppStore. If the token_id == my_new_build_tapp, the currency is not TEA, but your own layer2 token (e.g. my_sample_task_coin).

There are two functions we're not going to explain here: they are init_db and init_token. They're not a part of the real production environment. We need them purely because we need to simulate initializing the TApp state and database in the local development environment. These tasks will be done by the Developer portal in the real environment.

Last updated