Sample Front-end Code Walkthrough

The master branch of the tutorial is just a simple "hello world" example. There's not much front-end logic to explain. In contrast, the login branch is a typical TApp boilerplate. We'll dig into more detail on the login branch when we get there in our next step.

For the current master branch, you can see a typical VUE front-end Single Page Application.

Note: You can use any front end framework to build your own front end. TEA Project is not a front end framework, it works with any type of front end framework. We use VUE as an easy example.

The only hello world related code is in Home.vue

This is the code:

import {_, axios} from 'tearust_utils';
export default {
    return {};
  methods: {
    get_env(key) {
      const x_key = 'VUE_APP_' + _.toUpper(key);
      return _.get(process.env, x_key, null);
    async send_request(){
      const _axios = axios.create({
        baseURL: this.get_env('LAYER2_URL'),
      const rs = await'/say-hello', {
        actor: 'someone.sample',
        address: '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000f'

It simply sends an axios post to /say-hello with the following JSON content:

    actor: 'someone.sample',
    address: '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000f'

This is an example of how we test the sample-actor using CURL or Postman.

Another thing we need to mention is the LAYER2_URL env var. This is the address to the backend actor. It's defined in the .env.test file. During you local testing, by default it is set to your local IP address port 8000.

NODE_ENV = dev

If you have a special environment settings that the backend is not running on, please make sure you change this value.

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