Birth Control

The ecological balance

The TEA Project ecosystem has an ecological balance between computing resource supply in the form of CML and computing resource demand in the form of TApps. CMLs represent the computing supply as CML nodes are capable of executing computing tasks within their protected enclaves. TApps represent the demand for these resources as they're the apps that consume computing services.

The DAO monitors the usage (idle time and waiting time) of every CML. If the majority of CML are waiting, it means supply is over demand. If the majority of CML are busy but the TApps have tasks waiting in line to be executed, then that means demand exceeds supply.

Based on the supply/demand ratio, the DAO will automatically increase or decrease the amount of new CML seeds released to the marketplace.

Another indicator for computing supply and demand on the network is the price of CML as reflected in the auction marketplace. If the auction price is too high, the DAO should increase the CML seeds supply (and reduce the supply if prices are too low).

The adjustment on CML supply is made through the DAO governance. Any of these determining factors can be changed by DAO voting. During the first two years of the TEA Project's operation, the DAO is not mature enough and the community is not big enough for voting. During this early stage, the project team will control the birth rate of CML. After 2 years, the DAO will take over the birth rate control programmatically based on the supply and demand factors mentioned above.

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